Scoring Leaders - Boys 09U - Flight 3
Shown below are the scoring leaders in the flight you selected.

Player Name / ID Team Name / Code Total Goals Flight
 Liam Moreno 
 Bridgewater United A.C. Milan 
 3  Boys 09U - Flight 3 
 Aaron Shatz 
 Bridgewater United A.C. Milan 
 2  Boys 09U - Flight 3 
 Jai Joshi 
 Bridgewater United A.C. Milan 
 2  Boys 09U - Flight 3 
 Matthew Rios 
 Bridgewater United A.C. Milan 
 1  Boys 09U - Flight 3 
 Niam Patel 
 Bridgewater United A.C. Milan 
 1  Boys 09U - Flight 3